Peace on Earth Mindfulness Meditation: Calming Breathing Exercise for Holiday Stress Relief

Many people struggle to cope with heightened stress during the holiday season. Sometimes holiday related stress can be so high that it detracts from the enjoyment of what can be a magical time. (Please scroll down a few paragraphs if you would like to get straight to the stress relief meditation.)

We do not have to let holiday stress get the best of us. There are strategies we can use to help us handle any holiday stress we may be experiencing.

Last year on the self-help blog, I put together the 12 Days of Christmas Stress Relief, which is still an excellent resource for managing holiday stress.

This year, I bring you the gift of calming breathing for managing holiday stress through a holiday themed guided meditation that focuses on calming breathing. To learn more about the benefits of practicing deep calm breathing, please check out this self-help article: Calming Breathing for Stress Relief a Mindfulness-Meditation.

I consider the stress relief approach of deep calm breathing to be a gift. I find great value in this relaxation technique because not only is it highly effective – especially with regular practice over time – but your breath truly is always there to comfort, soothe, and relax you.  

Happy holidays to you and yours! May you make many magical moments during this special time of year!

Dr. Jennifer McManus is a licensed psychologist who helps people with stress reduction. She regularly integrates the practices of mindfulness and deep, calming breathing into her therapeutic work with psychotherapy clients. If you think you may benefit from personalized and professional help with stress management, then please feel free to contact the psychotherapy practice of Dr. Jennifer McManus to learn more about available support. You can schedule a complimentary consultation, email, or call the office at 866-706-3665.


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