Peace on Earth: A Mindfulness Meditation for Holiday Stress Relief

Many people struggle to cope with heightened stress during the holiday season. Practicing mindfulness can help reduce stress levels. The Peace on Earth mindfulness meditation is a short and simple practice with a focus on holiday stress relief.

Mindfulness involves bringing your attention fully into the current moment and experiencing it without judgment. In many ways, practicing mindfulness is like having the curiosity of a child. Living in the present moment is especially helpful when it comes to holiday stress.

This mindfulness meditation incorporates deep, calm breathing, which is another effective strategy for managing holiday stress.

It is understandable to feel stress levels start to rise during the holiday season. We don’t have to let the stress get so overwhelming that it detracts from our enjoyment of the season though. With a combination of stress relief strategies having a magical moments this holiday season is entirely possible.  


Peace on Earth Mindfulness Meditation (transcription)


Thank you for joining the Peace on Earth mindfulness meditation, a short and simple practice, with a focus on holiday stress relief.

I invite you to get comfortable. You may want to sit cross legged, but you don’t have to.

Gaze around with your eyes, taking note of your surroundings.

See the colors clearly.

Notice the things that are around you, like the ground, furniture, other objects.

Look around without putting labels on the things you see, just observe their colors, their textures, their patterns.

See how the light lays upon things, illuminating them.

Now bring your awareness to your breath…what is it like?

Did you take a nice inhale as soon as you focused on your breathing?

Pay close attention to how your lungs expand and contract with your breath.

It’s a very natural and gentle sensation.

Notice also how your belly expands and contracts easily as you breathe.

Allow the breath to relax you.

In and out…..

Breathing at your own pace

Expand and contract….

Refresh and relax…..

Inhale and exhale…..

Take a deep breath in and hold it for a few seconds at the top and then when you’re ready…exhale and relax.

Take another deep breath, as deep as you can, and hold it again…for a few seconds…and when you are ready to exhale just imagine blowing out all of your holiday stress….take a third deep breath and hold it….and as you exhale you blow out all the holiday stress you’ve been holding on to, saying to yourself “peace on earth.”

Whenever you feel overwhelmed this holiday season, you can simply take 3 fully in and deep breaths, holding at the top for a few seconds, and when you exhale, blow out any tension or strain that you have been holding on to.

And on that third breath, as you exhale, say to yourself, “peace on earth.”

From now on you choose to be relaxed.

You choose to be calm.

Inhale and exhale…

Whenever you are presented with feelings of stress, know your breath is there to soothe you and guide you into relaxation.

Breathing in and out.

Every single day, becoming more aware of all the good things going on in your community, and in the world around you.

In and out.

Peace on earth.

If you think you may benefit from personalized help with stress management this holiday season or anytime of the year, please feel free to contact the psychotherapy practice of Dr. Jennifer McManus to learn more about available support. You can schedule a free consultation, email, or call the office at 866-706-3665.


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Thankful for the Practice of Gratitude