Path of Motherhood: Guided Mindfulness Meditation

As women, we walk many paths. One of those paths may be that of motherhood. In honor of all the amazing mothers out there, the practice brings you this mindfulness meditation with a focus on pregnancy and motherhood. Deep calm breathing and positive affirmations are also integrated into this mindfulness practice.

Focusing on Pregnancy and Motherhood (Transcript)

Thank you for joining this mindfulness meditation, which is all about focusing on pregnancy and motherhood. Deep calm breathing and positive affirmations are also integrated into this mindfulness practice. I’m Dr. Jennifer McManus, a licensed psychologist, and I’ll be your guide. I regularly incorporate mindfulness and positive affirmations into the therapeutic work I do with psychotherapy clients.

For safety reasons, please only join me in this guided meditation when you can find a quiet time to relax. For example, it’s not safe to do this when you’re driving.

Now that you have found a quiet time to relax, simply find a cozy spot, listen to my voice, and follow my guidance.

Let’s begin by taking a moment to breathe 3 deep and full breaths, relaxing your mind and body with each breath…....


Taking these breaths at your own pace….. Good…..


As you prepare to welcome your baby into the world, it may be helpful to explore these positive affirmations about your inherent capabilities…



So say to yourself now:


My body has what it takes, is fully capable, beautiful and resilient.


And in between each affirmation, take those full, deep breaths…


Say to yourself:

My baby feels everything going on around them, so they feel all the love and support that surrounds them, too.


Continuing those nice, deep breaths…


Each moment of my motherhood flows effortlessly, exactly as it is meant to.


Still taking full, deep breaths….


My baby is growing strong and developing exactly as they shall.


Always engaging in calming breathing now….


I am an excellent mother, the same as all the other magnificent mothers out there.

I genuinely accept the assistance of others with ease, certainty, and an open mind.

I have great courage to ask for help and to receive support when I need it.

I am confident, calm, and deeply trust in my body and my motherly intuition.

My body is designed to be a mother.

I have courage, faith, and great patience, especially during uncertain times.

Every day my baby grows the perfect amount.

I am excited and well prepared for motherhood during all stages.

Everything I feel and experience is part of the great teachings of motherhood.

Being a mother is one of the greatest blessings this life has to offer.

Very good.

Now, take note of how you are feeling right at this moment.


Next, I’d like for you to visualize yourself handling everything beautifully.

See yourself happy and overjoyed about motherhood.

See yourself approaching those you love when you need a hand or an ear to listen. Allow the colors in this visualization to be bright and clear.

Noticing any sensations that rise into your awareness when they naturally occur. Can you see clearly the people you love and those who care for you?

Take comfort in these people, and trust in them.


Notice the expressions on their faces when they support you. Hug them and thank them.


Vividly see yourself handling sticky situations with ease and grace, allowing for them to pass by in their own time.


Visualize these moments of bravery and calmness as clearly as you can and with as much detail and possible.


Could you notice now the feeling of strength?

Allow courageous emotions to rise within you…. Stability….

Courage…. Vitality….

Good, and allow these feelings to pass by…

Now allow feelings related to trust rise in you…. Patience….

Confidence…. Determination….Fearlessness…


Good, and just allow these feelings to move along now, fading away…

Then, allow the emotion of love to rise in you…

Compassion…. Appreciation…Cherish…. Respect…

Good, and just allow the feelings of Love to drift by.

Very good, Mama

Dr. Jennifer McManus is a licensed psychologist who regularly integrates the practices of mindfulness and deep calm breathing into her therapeutic work with psychotherapy clients. If you are a stressed out mom who is looking for some professional support through therapy, then please feel free to contact the psychotherapy practice of Dr. Jennifer McManus to learn more about available services. You can schedule a complimentary consultation, email, or call the office at 866-706-3665.


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